Michael Ffinch e a Padre Brunelli

Padre Roberto Brunelli, nome di battaglia padre Brownelli (tra chestertoniani ci diamo sempre dei veri nomi di battaglia che abbiano qualcosa a che fare con GKC: per esempio Alessandro Gnocchi è Giovedì, perché Giovedì… Gnocchi! Annalisa Teggi è Il Cavallo Bianco per ovvi motivi, Sabina Nicolini è per temperamento e per aver tradotto “La Nonna del drago ed altre serissime storie” La Nipote del Drago…), si è fissato sul Ffinch, ossia la biografia redatta da Michael Ffinch sul nostro GKC e che le edizioni San Paolo pubblicarono in italiano oltre venti anni fa.
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Siccome sono passi che meritano e che spesso non sono parte di scritti strutturati (sono battute riferite da testimoni, lettere alla moglie, agli amici, e altre cose del genere), ringraziamo padre Brunelli che le mette per iscritto e ve le mettiamo a disposizione.
Il giorno in cui qualcuno avrà la pazienza di tradurre i due volumi della biografia di Maisie Ward (Gilbert Keith Chesterton e Return to Chesterton, Sheed and Ward, 1944 e 1952) la più accreditata per numero di notizie, accuratezza e così via), ce lo faccia sapere.
Altrettanto dicasi per la biografia di padre Ian Ker (Gilbert Keith Chesterton – A biography, Oxford Press, 2011) una sorta di summa di tutte le biografie), e per il bel libro di William Oddie (The Romance of Orthodoxy – The making of GKC, 1874 – 1909, Oxford Press, 2010).

Sancti Laurentii Iustiniani

Nonis Septembris. Luna duodeuicesima. Sancti Laurentii Iustiniani, primi Patriarchae Venetiarum et confessoris; quem, doctrina et supernis diuinae sapientiae charismatibus copiosissime repletum, Alexander Octauus, Pontifex Maximus, in Sanctorum numerum retulit. Ipse pontificalem Cathedram hac die inuitus ascendit, et sexto Idus Ianuarii obdormiuit in Domino.

J. de Nebra – Iphigenia en Tracia – El Concierto Español, E. Moreno (dir.)

J. de Nebra – Iphigenia en Tracia – El Concierto Español, E. Moreno (dir.).

جهان زن

جهان زن ـ هیلا صدیقی در پاسخی روشن و دقیق به مهدی خزعلی دلایل سکوت خود را بر شمرده است. نوشته ی او نگاه نسلی است که باید نسل امیدش نامید. اما در این پاسخ، نکته ای هست که خوب است از کنار آن به راحتی نگذریم. هیلا می نویسد”شايد به همين خاطر بود كه هيچ گاه آرزوي براندازي و انقلاب در سر نداشتيم . چرا كه اصل براندازي ايده آل ما نبود .

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Women in Revolt

“A typical product of a military upbringing Rosie/Roger Palmer gender-oscillates on a 6-monthly basis. A hoarder of musical instruments is a disciple of the Bert Weedon Play-in-a-Day Method and is happy to bore the pants of you about the Herstory of Bigsby Vibrato systems.

Rosie’s dress is ALWAYS in the best possible taste.”

Born in Middlesbrough, Sadie is the heart and mind of the band, bringing a trash aesthetic that is unmatched in the Tyne, Wear or Tees deltas.

Doctor of Feline Psychiatry by day, she has been bitten by a bat. Known as the Tits of Death, by those who’ve seen her naked.

Born on the banks of the River Tyne and raised by magpies, Mitch fashioned her first drum kit out of floating oil cans and the bonnet of a Citroen 2CV.

She likes sleeping, biscuits, hitting things with sticks…

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“Give us water or we will take you down” was the unceremonious welcoming General Aziz got today in Magta Lahjar (Brakna Province.) What was supposed to be another on-demand carnival tour of the Brakna province by Aziz’s loyalists, ended up with the strongman reduced to delivering a short speech on top of a car amidst “we want water” chants.

Magta Lahjar, like other towns in the country, saw a rash of protests over the government’s failure to provide drinking water, or basic services. For instance, Aziz was greeted with a wave of protests in Aleg (Brakna’s capital) culminating in arrests and beatings of the youth, many of them members of the UFP and Tawassul opposition parties.

Magta Lahjar’s protesters did not fair any better today; over 30 remain under lock. some were preemptively arrested earlier in the day after anti-regime slogans appeared on walls in the town.

The scene…

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